“know thyself and thou shalt know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe”

Frontispiece of the Apollo temple in delphi – socrates

"Noscere the ipsum", "Know Thyself", "Connais-toi toi-même" has been one of the most conscious and inspirational pull of my life since a young age. I remember my mother sharing this quote with me, telling me the ancient story of the Pythia, high priestess and oracle of the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, Greece.
Painting and drawing came naturally to me as the organic bridge into the world of the unseen, where dwells the mysteries of Life and the Cosmos... the mystery of who I truly am as a human being, in all her dimensions in this constant flow of becoming.
Seeing the unseen, giving form to what is formless with color and texture, manifesting on the canvas glimpses of what is beyond the conscious and the known.
As I paint, like the ancient Pythia of Delphi, I too descend deeper and deeper into my own mystery, allowing sensations and visions to visit me from the deep ocean of my unconscious.